Tag Archives: cambodia

august 14-20, 2011 viet-cam trip

3 Sep

just a few pix to chronicle the said dates. will find time to blog about the details of my cambodia-vietnam trip. my sister got most of the tips from other travel bloggers. so, will return the favor soon…

****opps, view of the fountain and street FROM inside THE independence palace

———————the end of my vietnam – cambodia trip ———————-

in brief:
airfare: cebu-manila-saigon-manila-cebu PhP 10,014.31**
(**if not for me changing my return flights for saigon-manila-cebu, airfare would only have been PHP 5,413.1 for ceb-mnl-sgn-mnl-ceb via cebu pacific’s promo fare

terminal fees/travel taxes: PhP 2,770 (mactan/naia.loc 200*2/ naia.intl 750 / dep tax 1620)
taxi, food spent in PH: 958
pocket money: $500 – 246 (money in hand upon return) = $254 (accomm/food/misc in cambodia and vietnam)
USD @ time of exchange: PhP 43.30 x 254 = PhP 10,998.2

USD I changed to Vietnamese Dong was only $100.
$1 = 21,000 VND
We used VND in Vietnam, while US dollars in Cambodia. When traveling to Cambodia, make sure you have a lot of $1 bills. Most prices are in USD. If you pay in dollars, they will give you change in their local currency, which is very much lower in value.

TOTAL EXPENSE: PhP 24,740.51 *
*airfare bought in feb. 2011 (cebu-mnl-saigon-mnl-cebu PhP 5,413.1) and rebooked in april 2011 (saigon-mnl-cebu PhP 4,601.21). my sister and 3 others bought theirs in august 2010. this means, i had a year to save for this trip.

i hope that by showing the amount i spent for this trip, i can show fellow filipinos that travel outside the country need not be THAT expensive and IS POSSIBLE for anyone who desires to travel within southeast asia, but has budget constraints. of course, this doesn’t apply if your travel goal is to SHOP. mine is only to see new places and from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have immediate cash for travel purposes (thus, the far into the future choice of flight sched). that said,